We are pleased that you are able to join us (The Clean Air Champions, The Met Office and NPL) for the Data Science in Air Quality and Health Research Workshop‘Bringing together data to improve air quality for the health of the nation’ scheduled to be held on the 16th & 17th September 2021. An important part of the Stratigic Priorities Fund Clean Air Champions work has been around exploring where some of the major issues lie that are impeding progress within the UK in cleaning up the air we all breathe. We have spoken to many stakeholders with an interest in the field as well as researchers and have attended a range of events targeting different aspects of the air pollution problem. Several over-arching themes emerged where gaps were identified and where new activity would likely be productive in meeting the objectives laid out for the Strategic Priorities Fund Clean Air Programme.
One important theme is that of Data Science in Air Quality and Health Research. The future of data research in air quality needs to systematically increase our knowledge and fill evidence gaps. We need to develop data gathering and systems to advance interventions for health and change in public behaviour and society.
The objective of this meeting is to bring together colleagues from all air quality research fields and health data organisations to enable effective use of data throughout the Clean Air Research continuum.